Epoxy Solid Color System Description
- 100% solids epoxy primer
- 100% solids epoxy body coat
- Clear urethane sealer (UV Stability)
- Seamless and low maintenance
- Produces a dense, non-porous, chemical and dirt resistant floor
Our Process
- Industrial grade mechanical floor prep of concrete substrate
- Pre-Fill cracks and minor divots with epoxy fast cure mixture
- Apply 100% solids epoxy primer
- Apply 100% solids epoxy body coat
- Apply urethane sealer (UV) Stability)
- Urethane Sealers contain UV Stability preventing discoloration and have excellent chemical, stain, and abrasive resistance
Our recommended wait time after installation is:
Foot Traffic: 12 hrs
Vehicle Traffic: 72 hrs
Maintenance Instructions
- Easily cleaned with neutral soaps or detergents (Dawn dish washing detergents)
- When cleaning, use water and a light bristled brush
- Clean up chemical spills immediately to avoid sealer discolorations.
Standard Color Chart:
** Premium Charge for 700 Deep Blue and 899 Safety Yellow